Continuous Performance Management Training Materials

Our training materials have been developed to help apply skills learned on the job. They are easily customized to communicate to all employees that performance development conversations are critical for career development and for achieving your organizational goals.


*Program Materials and all aspects of the Conversations to Optimize Employee Performance Program is the confidential information of Employee Performance Solutions LLC. Permission to deliver the program, in part or in whole, requires that each participant have his or her own individual set of original Participant Materials purchased from Employee Performance Solutions. Materials may not be re-used by later participants, photocopied, reproduced, reverse engineered, modified, or duplicated in whole or in part without Licensor’s prior written consent (upon request materials can be customized to suit client needs). Workshops can be facilitated by Certified Facilitators or through the use of the Facilitator Guide. The material may be taught within the Client Organization only. The Facilitator Guide is not to be used to facilitate the program without the Participant Materials independently. Should the Certified Facilitator leave the Client Organization and wish to facilitate the program elsewhere, a new agreement must be initiated with the new Client Organization.