Train-the-Trainer Facilitator Certification
For clients who want the ability to deliver workshops in-house, Certification is the most flexible and cost-effective way to implement the Conversations to Optimize Employee Performance program. The Certification option allows organizations delivery flexibility and the ability to customize the training.
Train-the-Trainer Certification makes sense if you want to:
- Develop in-house expertise
- Drive your Performance Management program using internal resources
- Schedule workshops at your convenience
- On-board new hires and newly promoted managers as needed
Here's What's Included in the Package:
Facilitator Kit and Portal
A step-by-step Facilitator's Guide, animated slide decks with faciliator queues, set of Participant Materials, and Video Helper insures the successful delivery of workshops in your organization. Included in the Kit are facilitator talking points, suggestions for opening and closing the session, detailed instructions for experiential activities, and discussion questions. The program offers a balance of engaging short lectures, group discussion, and skill/tool application in experiential learning.
Rollout Tools and Resources Portal
You will also receive draft communications for your program invite with ideas for branding and positioning your initiative. Included is a description of roles and responsibilities, performance management activities schedule, how pay and performance issues are handled, and more. Documents are provided in Word and PowerPoint—ready for you to customize.
Train-the-Trainer Consulting
Jamie Resker, Practice Leader and Founder of Employee Performance Solutions, will work directly with your organization’s facilitators to share her knowledge, her philosophy, and training techniques and tools. Typically, the Train-the-Trainer begins with: (1) an online walk-through of the program, (2) followed by a classroom observation(s) with a debriefing, (3) and finally program teach-backs with coaching. Remote clients can participate in the train-the-trainer via a live web-based classroom experience. Jamie will work with you to create the most efficient way to provide Trainer Certification. We also provide one-on-one coaching to help training participants implement the best practices taught in our workshops.
Participant Materials Purchase and Use
Each participant who goes through training must have his or her own individual set of participant materials (source materials are not available for purchase; the program is not sold but licensed through the purchase of Participant Materials). Permission to deliver the program, in part or whole, requires that each participant have his or her own individual set of original Participant Materials purchased from Licensor (the licensing fee is incorporated into the cost of each set of Participant Materials (i.e., workbooks, cards, etc.). Later participants may not re-use materials, photocopied, reproduced, reverse engineered, modified, or duplicated in whole or in part without Licensor’s prior written consent (upon request materials can be customized to suit client needs). All aspects of the Conversations to Optimize Employee Performance Program is the confidential information of Employee Performance Solutions LLC (The Licensor).
Facilitator Certification Materials Purchase and Use
Certified Facilitators who have participated in the Employee Performance Solutions Facilitator Certification program can facilitate workshops. The material may be taught within the Client Organization only. The Facilitator Guide is not to be used to facilitate the program without the Participant Materials. Should the Certified Facilitator leave the Client Organization and wish to facilitate the program elsewhere, a new agreement must be initiated with the new Client Organization.
Facilitator Profile
Experienced Human Resources, Organizational Development, Facilitator, and Leadership staff may lead the workshops.
Three Steps for Trainer Certification
The Trainer Certification focuses on understanding the course content and the facilitation of participant discussions and action learning activities.
Part 1: Initial Step
- Attend and observe a workshop
- Review the Participant and Facilitator Materials
- Access the Facilitator Portal for workshops slide deck, training aids, and videos
- Demonstrate your knowledge of the course content, materials and facilitation skills
Part 2: Certification
- Teach three courses within six-nine months
Part 3: Sustain Training Skills
- Continue delivering the workshops and provide ongoing support to workshop participants
- Visit the Client Resources Toolkit and Facilitator Portal for updates