The Employee Performance Continuum™ (EPC) Origin and Background
Jamie Resker, Founder and Practice Leader of Employee Performance Solutions created the Employee Performance Continuum™ as an alternative to traditional performance review ratings. The model is the starting point that helps inform the right conversations between managers and employees and track ongoing performance progress.
Performance is defined as a combination of
a.) WORK RESULTS (job responsibilities, goals/objectives, and application
of technical skills)
b.) OBSERVABLE BEHAVIORS (visible actions and interactions with others).
Five Performance Types
The method visually maps the spectrum of employee performance levels. The five main categories capture the variance of On and Off-Target Work Results and Observed Behaviors :
1. "Upper Right" On-Target Work Results and Behaviors, mid to high Work Results and expected value-adding Observable Behaviors (ideal state!)
2. New and Developing, new to the role and making steady progress (great; the person is on track and right where they should be given the time in the role!)
3. On-target Behavior With Less Than Expected Work Output; despite making an earnest effort the Work Results are continually below expectations (nice to work with, but work is reassigned to more competent staff or the job is scaled back so much that it's no longer the job the person was hired for)
5. Low work output with value-detracting behavior Self-explanatory!
Branding People as Low and Problem Performers
The last three performance-type descriptions of Off-Target Performance are problematic, but we encourage a change in thinking:
Move away from the terminology of "low or problem performer" to a "person-at-risk" and in need of support.
The point isn't to find problem performers and drive people out. The purpose of identifying people-at-risk is to follow through on targeted course-correcting feedback and coaching that inspires and motivates improved performance.
Will this work for everyone? No. However how often does a manager want to terminate an employee or put them on a performance improvement plan only for you to learn that the manager has neglected to provide course-correcting feedback and coaching?
How many employees in your organization have more potential if they received the right feedback and direction? Do your managers have the tools and training to drive employees to the upper right?
On-Target Work Results
and Observable Behaviors
Our tools and training help re-shape communications between managers and employees based on two-way, frequent, informal conversations designed to exchange meaningful information. When managers and employees are comfortable speaking frequently and candidly, strengths and accomplishments are acknowledged, and performance expectations are easily discussed, so everyone can focus on exceptional results. Our approach is particularly effective when addressing Off-Target Behavior so it helps the manager coach the employee forward.
Contact us for more information