Employee Performance Solutions Media Mentions

Article:  Three Options Bring Up New Information at Performance Review Time

How many times do we tell managers:  "Don't bring up new and unpleasantly surprising information during the annual performance review meeting.  No surprises. On paper this makes perfect sense.  The conundrum is that most managers don’t bring up mission critical performance feedback before the annual review. So what happens? They adhere to the “no surprises” rule. And as a result the most important information gets shoved aside, and the review is padded with everything but the kitchen sink. There are three options for incorporating new information into a performance review. Here's how...


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Performance Conversations (for real) in Just Ten Minutes Webinar
Human Capital Media Event webinar sponsored by Halogen Software.  
Human Capital Media Group (HCM) publishes Chief Learning Officer, Diversity Executive, Talent Management and Workforce Management magazines. HCM also operates several widely referenced online industry resources. Human Capital Media leverages its award-winning editorial content with innovative integrated media products, including webinars, industry research and benchmarking, and conferences that bring together international audiences to network and discuss leading-edge strategy and best practices in the industry. 


Article:  When it Comes to Core Competencies Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Using your organization's core competencies and values to anchor performance feedback that helps shape employee performance and ultimately your culture.


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Jamie Resker, Founder and Practice Leader at Employee Performance Solutions contributes to Halogen's Exploring Talent Management blog best practice insights on the topic of employee performance communication strategies and feedback.  This blog features some of the top talent management thinkers, resources, expert teachings and insightful commentary on using talent management best practices to create a world class workforce.


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On February 12, 2013, members of the HR BioTech Connect group gathered to hear Jamie Resker present: Do Your Performance Management Practices do More Harm Than Good?  Throughout a highly-spirited presentation that consisted of strong visuals, audience interaction, and practical exercises, Jamie helped all attendees to look at strategies that could improve their employee performance management processes.


Research shows that regular feedback improves performance. So if you want to take control of your career and improve performance, solicit feedback from others. Ask your manager, peers, internal and external customers, about how you’re doing and what you could to do improve. Feedback expert Jamie Resker suggests you ask two key questions:

The Worst Way to Give Performance Feedback Featured on Halogen Software's Employee Perfmance and Talent Management Blog.  Most leaders give feedback in a way that will be received as an attack.  This leads the individual on the receiving end to react defensively.  Are you delivering feedback in a way that has the effect of demoralizes your employees?

Mastering the Art of Giving Feedback: Tips for Handling Colleagues and Clients
Featured on FirmVoice, a Blog from the Council on Public Relations Firms
Sometimes people disappoint us and when they do helpful feedback can keep our relationships on track. 


What to do When Your Key Employee Goes "Charlie Sheen"
Featured on Business News Daily
The troubles of actor Charlie Sheen in the bright lights of Hollywood and former Dior designer John Galliano on the runways of Paris have shown what can happen when the person largely responsible for a business’ success is suddenly let go.

Manage Performance Through Timely Feedback:  The Puppy Theory
eBriefing based on a webcast presented through the Human Capital Institute
When asked how she gives employee feedback, Carol Bartz, CEO of Yahoo, had this answer: "I have the puppy theory

Performance Feedback on the Radio
Jamie Resker was intereviewed on Global Talk Radio, the Sales Talk Live show on February 16, 2011.

The Oldest Recognition Program on Earth
Featured on Rypple.com and written by Jamie Resker and Michael Shipman, VP of Talent Development for Rockland Trust.

I was Fired Because My Performance Wasn't Where It Was Supposed to Be.  
Was This Fair?  Featured on Boston.com

Employee Reviews:  5 Things You Need to Know
Employees hate them, and bosses hate them too. How to make the process effective, productive -- and painless.  Featured on AOL Small Business.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace:  5 Things You Need to Know
Small companies can be friendly environments. Sometimes a little too friendly. How to deal with -- and prevent -- sexual harassment in the workplace.  Featured on AOL Small Business.

Don't Let Bad-Apple Behavior Spoil the Barrel
"Even when an employee is competent in terms of getting the work done, a bad attitude or pattern of disruptive behavior can be poisonous to the whole environment and make others less productive. Nip it in the bud, to set the tone for the kind of organization you want to be."  Featured on AOL Small Business Tip of the Day.

How to Conduct a Talent Review
A simple visual model to assess your talent.  Featured on Make Work MeaningfulTM 

What Stops Us From Providing Feedback?
What gets in the way of giving feedback; another approach.  Featured on Make Work MeaningfulTM 

Inc.com - The Daily Resource for Entrepreneurs
How to Hire a Web Developer
Have you reached the point that you need a professional working on staff to build and maintain your web presence? Here's your guide to the best practices for hiring a web developer.  Featured on Inc.com's Small Business HR Guide.

Break Bad Habits Early
"Address employee performance issues before they turn into persistent patterns. Chances are, the problem is in people's blind spot, but if they were redirected, they would most likely be able to recalibrate their performance."  Featured on AOL Small Business Tip of the Day.

Ask the Expert
Ask the HR Expert Profiles
Featured on Boston.com Monster.com Hiring Hub

Dealing With Performance Issues
Featured on Boston.com, NEHRA, The Voice of Human Resources