because your employees are your business

Jamie Resker

Jamie Resker, Founder and Practice Leader of Employee Performance Solutions, is a recognized thought leader and innovator in the area of performance management. She helps organizations create a culture of performance development conversations by reshaping dialogue between managers and employees with a framework designed to exchange meaningful information. Jamie is the originator of the Performance Continuum Feedback Method®, an approach for differentiating employee performance, identifying gaps and crafting hearable, sayable feedback. Her work is anchored on the principles of neuro-leadership and elements of Appreciative Inquiry which make the tools and training universally applicable, transcending organization type/size, industry, geography and culture. Jamie is a frequent contributor on the topic of employee performance and feedback. She holds a BA in Business from Emmanuel College and is an instructor at the Boston University Corporate Education Group. She is on the faculty for the Northeast Human Resources Association and is an Advisory Board Member for the Institute of Human Resources.
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Recent Posts

Pros and Cons of Giving and Receiving Feedback Using Technology

Posted on 09/08/2015 By Jamie Resker

Insight gained through giving and receiving timely and specific feedback is how we and others get better.  Sometimes we need to be on the receiving end and other times we need to initiate feedback to help others learn and grow.  The question is how to go about exchanging meaningful feedback at work. 


3 Steps for Giving Performance Feedback

Posted on 08/11/2015 By Jamie Resker

It is clear that the key reason managers avoid giving feedback is not because they don’t understand the problem but rather because they don’t know how to script a message that is “sayable” and “hearable.” The Performance Continuum Feedback® Method (PCFM) is a straight forward approach to do just that.


Are Your Managers Giving Feedback?

Posted on 04/13/2015 By Jamie Resker

Manager and Employee Conversations Happen, But…  

While most managers think they are having higher level conversations about performance, the truth usually falls short.  Communication typically centers on projects, status updates, issues, etc.  When we take a closer look we see one of three types of manager – employee communication:

Four Categories of Manager-employee Communication



The Future of the Performance Review

Posted on 02/20/2015 By Jamie Resker

Hear three experts talk about their take on the performance review.  National Public Radio produced a story about “The Future of the Performance Review”.   “Performance review” is perhaps the most hated phrase in the workplace. Studies show it’s not just employees, but also managers and even HR professionals who dislike the practice. “The interview discusses