assessing and tracking employee performance without ratings

Team Plotting Discovery Method

HR and Leaders Program

Using the Employee Performance Continuum we show you how to assess and differentiate employee performance without annual performance reviews and ratings.  With the four-square visual model and our cloud-based tracking software, we will teach you how to assess performance on two factors:

Work Results and Observed Behavior.

The Team-Led Plotting Discovery Process provides an insightful forum for gaining clarity on the individual performance and development needs of each employee in your organization. The method ensures that your managers understand how to utilize the performance assessment data to help inform conversations that bring out people's best performance.


create a common understanding of performance expectations

  • On and off-target performance

    The process will help to recognize and define what On-Target and Off-Target performance looks like in your organization. 
  • Surface and Course Correct Low and Problem Performance

    Identify at-risk employees who need support and coaching.  There's a good chance that someone perceived as being a low or problem performer is lacking the right feedback and direction.   With the right feedback, delivered with a coach-forward approach, managers can get people back on track.      


evidence-based performance assessment approach

  • Minimize Performance Assessment Bias

    Bias and inconsistency in traditional performance management methods, such as annual reviews, ratings, and calibration creates questions around fairness.   Apply more consistent performance standards across the organization with the Team Plotting process.  
  • Peer Input Supplements Manager POV

    Supplement the viewpoint of the manager with peer manager input for a more balanced view and accurate assessment.  Sometimes the manager’s original interpretation is confirmed, and at other times new information is presented; this is the reason we refer to the Team Plotting approach as a “discovery” process.  


  • How We Work With You

    We will teach the Team Plotting Discovery Process and help run your first one or two meetings. After that, you can run the meetings independently. Part of the process includes training managers to assess employee performance. Our clients usually combine the Team Plotting Process with the Conversations to Optimize Employee Performance and Potential workshop.

  • Make pay and employment decisions without ratings

    Are you feeling stuck because you need annual reviews and ratings to help inform pay and employment decisions?  See alternatives for making pay decisions without the use of performance appraisals and ratings.  Get a sample document that you can customize to your organization's pay philosophy.
  • Resources and sample communications

    Workbook with over 60-pages of sample communications and tools that can be modified to fit your organization and launch your new and improved performance management system.

this program can be offered as a workshop format or through a consulting process

Feel free to drop me a message. I'm happy to help answer your question. 
