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Workshop for Managers

Coaching Forward
Conversations to Accelerate
Employee Performance and Potential



It's a manager's job to give feedback early and often.  These skills don't come naturally, but they can be learned. 

This program enables people managers to build their capabilities to effectively transform performance through conversation. Participants learn how to assess an employee's current performance, uncover and name the highest impact area for development, and craft non-threatening messages that can be heard and are comfortable to deliver.  Patterns of off-target performance are redirected without dredging up past infractions. 

In place of criticism and judgment, a system of "coaching-forward/how can I help this person develop" drives  performance and strengthens the communication and connection between managers and employees.

Participants Learn How to:

  • Recognize and reinforce  contributions and strengths.  
  • Identify the specific actions that will help each team member make even more progress in their role and organization.
  • Use a formula to find the exact words to describe an area for improvement without sounding harsh or critical.   
  • Confidently and comfortably redirect off-target performance (emphasizing future performance expectations versus providing examples of shortcomings which usually cause a defensive reaction).

  • Who is this program for? 
    People Managers
  • How long is the program?
    4  hours (can be organized into shorter sessions).  
  • Can this be delivered virtually?
    Yes!  Our virtual facilitation approach and training materials create an interactive, experiential learning environment that mimics our in-person sessions.

Learning Objectives

  • Map Employee Performance Effectiveness

Assess employee performance without ratings using the Employee Performance Continuum model.  Learn how to identify the six-employee performance types.  Utilize the Continuum as the starting point to differentiate performance and strategically plan performance conversations.  

  • Learn a Formula to Uncover the Key Area(s) for Employee Development or Improvement

    Apply an algorithmic method to deconstruct performance concerns, big and small. Delineate between non-relevant information (the noise) to home in on the central performance concern or opportunity for greater effectiveness.

  • Choose the Right Words

    Understand why the human brain is hard-wired to push away "constructive criticism" and select brain-friendly wording designed to be direct and reduce defensive reactions. Use the Turnaround framework to reframe negative information into a future-focused request versus criticism or judgment.

  • Confidently Course-Correct Disruptive or Unproductive Employee Behaviors

Disruptive behaviors slow others down, cut into productivity, diminish engagement, and can drive good performers out the door. Find the words to talk about performance issues rooted in behavior. Bring awareness of problematic behavior in a way that bypasses judgment and creates an understanding of the expected behaviors, actions, and future positive impact.  

  • Give Positive Feedback That Goes Beyond General Comments

People do things we appreciate all the time.  Most employees say they do not receive enough positive feedback, or it is too general to be meaningful.  Learn three easy steps for crafting high-impact meaningful messaging.


Get in touch and we can discuss if this might be the right program for your organization.  


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