Make the Advice to "Give Feedback Early and Often"a Reality Throughout Your Organization

Welcome to EPS – your go-to solution for ensuring managers and team members have the skills and tools to easily and consistently engage in performance-boosting feedback conversations.


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EPS, Your Partner in Developing Performance Feedback Skills Throughout Your Organization 

If you're looking for a solution to ensure your employees engage in conversations with their manager for helpful and timely feedback, you've come to the right place.

performance feedback tools and training

Explore Our Instantly Applicable Manager and Team Feedback Tools and Training


Performance Feedback Manager Training

Empower your managers to give effective feedback with our game-changing training experience.  Not only will your managers learn how to give feedback early and often, but they'll also be able to apply these skills immediately.




Proactive FeedbackTraining: Empowering Employees to Ask and Act

Are you ready for your employees to be more active in managing their performance and development?  Our transformative workshop equips you with the tools and skills to empower them.  Show employees throughout your organization that you're actively investing in their growth and development.

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Mastering Difficult Conversations Training: Powerful Wording Techniques

Empower your employees to take charge of your growth with proactive feedback strategies, self-reflection exercises, and career clarity tools. 


Performance and Potential Conversations: Joint Training for Managers and Employees

LoremSupercharge your HR team's skills and become the go-to resource for managers struggling with employee performance issues. Gain the confidence and tools needed to support identify problems, communicate effectively, and avoid surprises like exit requests or improvement plans.  ipsum dolor amet vape offal food truck tumeric. Actually schlitz williamsburg deep v ennui offal. Coloring book pitchfork hashtag poutine disrupt wayfarers post-ironic air plant meh la croix cliche food truck. Shabby chic offal selvage pop-up typewriter.

The Feedback Dilemma:
Reality vs. Expectation

In most organizations, there's a resounding call for "giving feedback early and often, with no surprises," hoping managers will naturally heed this advice. The ideal scenario is that, come annual performance review time, there's a comprehensive summary of year-long conversations.

But let's face reality: providing feedback doesn't come naturally. 

For many, it's a complex and uncomfortable process. The fear of saying the wrong thing, triggering defensive reactions, and damaging relationships loom large. But fear not—these skills can be learned.

Enter EPS, where we specialize in making the art of giving feedback accessible to all.

Just about 6% of Managers are skilled at giving performance feedback. 6



EPS, Your Partner in Developing Performance Feedback Skills Throughout Your Organization 

Explore Our Instantly Applicable Manager and Team Feedback Tools and Training

performance feedback tools and training
manager training

conversations to accelerate employee performance and potential

Quickly develop the skills of your people managers to provide performance-boosting feedback 

Our Performance Feedback training program is tailored specifically to help people leaders provide constructive and positive feedback.

Our expert-led training will give the confidence to provide feedback, recognize strengths, and pinpoint the areas that require development. We teach you how to effectively analyze performance and craft messages that are comfortable to deliver and get heard and understood. Say goodbye to the fear of unwanted reactions or making things worse.
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Employee Training

conversations to accelerate your performance and potential

Are you ready to support your employees to take a more active role in managing their career and performance? Our workshop empowers all employees throughout your organization with the skills and tools to not just rely on their manager to give feedback but to be more proactive in self-managing their on-the-job performance and professional development.

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Combined Learning:
Managers + Employees

conversations to accelerate your performance and potential

Experience a seamless collaboration with our performance feedback program that unites managers and non-managers. Part A equips everyone with skills to articulate professional objectives and ask strategic questions for insightful two-way feedback. Then, managers progress to Part B to learn optimal techniques for delivering performance feedback.

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Explore Our Instantly Applicable Manager and Team Feedback Tools and Training

Enhance your team's ability to improve employee-manager feedback and connectivity. Achieve immediate impact with our learning programs that guarantee tangible results. No more waiting and hoping for skill application - our approach ensures skills are put into practice from day one.

Drawing on neuroscience, Appreciative Inquiry, and over two decades of discoveries, we have devised straightforward yet impactful changes in communication between managers and employees.

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Manager Training

Equip your manager with our tools and training to engage in conversations that pinpoint strengths, highlight growth areas, and adeptly address off-target performance without triggering defensiveness.  


Employee Training

Show employees you're invested in strengthening their relationships with their managers. Support them to actively take charge of their career, performance, and development. Participants will learn to engage in career, growth planning, and performance conversations with their managers.

Performance Coaching

Become a guru in helping managers resolve employee performance problems using our Performance Continuum Feedback Method coaching framework. Elevate your HR department's impact by positioning yourself as a reliable go-to resource for managers seeking assistance in handling performance issues.

Modernize Performance Management

We specialize in strategic consulting for HR and Talent Management professionals. Our expertise lies in transitioning organizations to a continuous performance management model, with practical assessment and tracking methods that eliminate reliance on annual reviews and ratings.

Welcome to EPS - your solution for ensuring managers consistently deliver timely feedback to their teams, boosting overall performance and engagement. Our streamlined tools and targeted training empower managers and employees to engage in meaningful performance discussions beyond daily tasks.




You don't have to leave giving effective and helpful feedback up to chance.

Say goodbye forever to having employees passively waiting; this program will help you empower everyone so they can take control of how often they receive quality insight.

Equip your managers and employees with the skills and tools to easily provide regular, clear, and two-way performance feedback conversations

You'll never again have to leave giving effective and helpful feedback up to chance 







Learn More About How We Help Organizations Transform Performance ManagementUntitled (10 × 2 in) (3 × 1 in) (2 × 1 in) (2 × 0.5 in) (3)


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Watch how how we help clients assess and track performance without annual reviews and ratings

The Continuum is the starting point for planning performance-boosting conversations


Copy of Measure Performance Without Ratings (1)-2

Try Our 4-Box Employee  Performance Continuum  Employee Assessment Tool

Implement Ratingless Performance Management


The Continuum is the starting point for planning performance boosting conversations

"No one teaches you what to say and how to say it when you become a manager.It's assumed that you're having theright conversations. I like this roadmap."
"We've been training our managers on this program for over eight years.As a state agency, we require annual performance reviews, but thisprogram guarantees conversations happen throughout the year."

Make the advice to "give feedback early and often" a reality

We understand that most managers struggle with the right words and fear confrontation. That's why we've developed an easy-to-use process that empowers everyone to engage in effective feedback conversations continuously. 


give feedback early and often

Performance Feedback Training Options

Enhance your HR team's effectiveness in guiding managers through performance conversations

Become a guru in helping managers resolve employee performance problems

Elevate your HR department's impact by becoming an invaluable resource for managers seeking help with employee performance issues.  Help them master the recurring task of supporting managers in handling performance issues.  Position yourself as a reliable go-to for managers in need of assistance and prevent unforeseen challenges such as exit plan requests or performance improvement plans.

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The path to ensuring feedback happens early and often throughout your organization has never been easier


Build Manager Skills

Our program gives managers the tools to find the right words to verbalize strengths & positive impact, articulate future contributions, and course-correct off-target performance, even for long-term patterns and behavior.

Include everyone; go beyond manager training

We prepare all employees the key to taking the lead to gain valuable insights.  

Say goodbye to having employees wait passively for feedback

Empower everyone so they can take control of how often they receive quality input. 

We provide the best tools and training to build a culture that empowers everyone to play an acitive role in giving and asking for feedback.  

Are you a managers struggling to give feedback?   

Giving feedback can be daunting, awkward, and time-consuming. But research shows that when managers provide timely and constructive feedback in the workplace, it leads to better employee performance and engagement - imagine how great it would be if you could find an easy way for your employees to get the right feedback they need! 



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Assess Performance Without Ratings

Cool Subhead

Our solution gets to the core of continuous performance management by teaching your managers a formula to accurately assess performance and use this information to start and steer the right conversations.



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Conquer the  Performance Feedback Challenge

Most managers struggle with finding the right words and fear confrontation, causing them to hold back on giving feedback. Meanwhile, employees passively wait for feedback to come their way.

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Boost performance feedback with our cutting-edge training programs and tools. Empower your managers and employees to have more effective and frequent feedback conversations.




Our program gives your managers the skills and tools to find the right words to highlight employee strengths, positive impact, articulate future contributions, and course-correct off-target performance.




Unleash your employees' potential with our innovative training experience, which instills a proactive approach towards seeking feedback.


HR/Talent Pro

Coach Training

Be the ultimate support system for managers dealing with employee performance issues with our time-saving Performance Continuum Feedback Method coaching formula.







How might our services align with your goals?

Schedule a 30-minute call for an opportunity to ask questions. We'll listen to help understand and clarify your target goals, and if there's alignment, that's fantastic! If not, no worries – we don't push our services. You'll still benefit from gaining clarity on your challenges and receiving guidance towards potential solutions. 

Schedule a Consult

30-Minutes - Helpful Conversation - No Pressure

You don't have to leave giving effective and helpful feedback up to chance 

Equip your managers and employees with the skills and training to more easily provide regular, clear, and two-way feedback:
  • Manager Training:  Empower your managers to give effective feedback with our game-changing training experience.  Not only will your managers learn how to give feedback early and often, but they'll also be able to apply these skills immediately. 

  • Employee Training:  Our training program is your ticket to success in fostering a feedback-seeking culture among your employees. Our methods inspire them to proactively seek feedback, not just wait for it passively. Our training session is designed to be highly practical so that your employees can apply their learnings at once.

  • For HR:  We understand that every organization has unique needs and culture, which is why we work closely with you to tailor the program to your specific requirements. We also provide organizational consulting to help connect the learnings to your internal processes. 

  • Develop Expert Performance Coaching Skills

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