For the last two years, kitchen tables and home offices have become the new office cubicle. As manufacturing and service employees return to work, office employees continue to work from home. Employees today, no matter the industry, are finding themselves reexamining their changing manager interactions, often due to location, priorities, and access.

Considering all this upheaval, the way a manager interacts with their employees also requires reexamination. A perfect example is with the typical performance review - the annual, one-way conversation which, in light of the remote work environment of the past two years, seems exceedingly outdated.

Join Jamie Resker and Clifford Watkin of Circle Strategies as we unpack the new ways companies are finding success with improved performance review processes. We will discuss how shifting the performance review process increases the Employee Experience and immediately lessens concerns around the Great Resignation.  Attend the event.




10 Steps to Successfully Revamp Performance Management

10 Steps to Successfully Revamp Performance Management

I've learned firsthand that making artificial modifications to performance management doesn’t work. If you're a seasoned HR pro, you've likely had...

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Why you should stop advising managers to give feedback early and often

Why you should stop advising managers to give feedback early and often

Continuous Performance Management Saves the Day One of the most fundamental parts of a manager’s job is giving timely feedback. When you adopt best...

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A kinder way to look at

A kinder way to look at "low performers"

At-Risk Employees Versus Low Or Problem Performers When performance isoff-target, and the manager has yet to engage in a conversation, I advise...

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